We provide both in-school and community resources to help educate against domestic violence.

The Prevention Coordinator presents developmentally appropriate school programs, focusing on providing strategies and education that are useful for developing healthier relationships, dealing with a variety of emotions, increasing resilience, and identifying safe resources. The curriculum is designed to educate students regarding possible issues they may be facing at home, in school, or within their peer groups. Based on grade level, the programs teach the following:
• About good touch, bad touch
• What to do if you are being abused
• Setting healthy boundaries
• How to avoid abusive or violent relationships
The Prevention Coordinator works closely with teachers and counselors when children disclose any type of abuse. Safeplace employees and representatives are mandatory reporters of abuse to the Department of Human Resources. Prevention education programs are presented in all school systems within the six-county service area in classrooms and school assemblies.
Training is offered to law enforcement, medical professionals, and other groups including clergy, social workers, employers, and cosmetologists who may have contact with victims of domestic violence. Training is scheduled throughout the year. Educational displays and participation in each county’s Children’s Policy Council provides a coordinated opportunity to inform the community about domestic violence and Safeplace services. Many civic and professional groups regularly seek out Safeplace to speak at their meetings. Additionally, Safeplace staff seeks out opportunities to speak to groups or provide training to groups.
To request training or for more information, contact Sandra Ells at sells@nwalsafeplace.org
Safeplace staff welcomes the opportunity to speak to any church, social, or service organization concerning our program, family violence, parenting, or healthy relationships. We also set up educational displays at health and social service events.
To request a speaker or for more information, contact Sandra Ells at sells@nwalsafeplace.org